Dove tackles low self-esteem amongst Japanese school girls with campaign via ADK Tokyo

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Dove Japan_1.jpgDove, via their agency ADK Tokyo, has released an experimental video “Real Beauty ID” in Japan for school girls to find their own beauty. Dove initially launched the Dove Self esteem project in 2004 to help teenagers become aware of their own beauty and enhance their self-esteem.

This is very relevant in Japan where according to the 2017 Dove Global Girls Beauty and Confidence report only 7% of girls in Japan feel confident in the way they look – by far the lowest in the world.

Dove Japan_3.jpgDove Japan_2.jpgIn Japan, 5 in 10 girls with low body esteem will avoid important activities, such as engaging with friends and participating in activities outside the house like joining a team or club. 4 in 10 Japanese girls with low body esteem will put their health at risk by not seeing a doctor or skipping meals.

Dove wants to change this. So, to inspire girls to feel confident with their own beauty, they created Real Beauty ID, a social experiment set at Hiroo High School in Minato-ku in Tokyo. The campaign is designed to help girls realize their own true beauty, by seeing themselves through the eyes of their friends. Dove captured their reactions as the girls listened to their friends describe them and used those photos to replace their student ID cards. The result was photos that showed their confidence and true beauty shining through.

Through this campaign, Dove aims to support young people in all over Japan to build self esteem and body confidence.

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