Rules Creative Taiwan creates a fake horror film festival for New Taipei City threatening people to conserve energy during Ghost Month

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FAKE.jpgDeriving inspiration from Ghost Month (August) Taiwan agency Rules Creative has launched their latest power saving campaign “New Taipei City Power Saving Awards”, a fake horror film festival featuring 8 fake horror movies. Each of them uses an electric saving measure as its main element, turning energy consumption into ghost month taboo.

Keyvisual 1.jpgEnergy conservation issues are largely ignored by young people hardwired to resist them, except when they’re irresistibly fun and impossible not to share with friends. New Taipei City managed just such an evolution of the genre of “Power Saving Awards”, and encouraged people to save electricity in an impressive way. More and more people now get involved and take action, after all, nobody wants to get into any ghost-related quandaries. It’s better to be safe than sorry.