Republic Jakarta creates a pinless and painless way to put on a Malika Hijab for young women

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Hiab.jpgIndonesia has the largest Moslem population in the world. For young Moslem women, wearing a Hijab (Moslem Head Wear) is a symbol of faith, and also a reflection of their modern, dynamic lifestyle. So, how does a small boutique Hijab store appeal to these young women with a precious little budget?

Typically, wearing a Hijab takes a lot of effort. And, a lot of pins. Republic Jakarta planted a news article featuring a modern Indonesian woman in a leading local newspaper. And then, they put a removable sticker in the shape of a beautiful Hijab covering the head of the woman. So, almost instantly she ‘wore’ a Hijab. Which is exactly how the experience of putting on a Malika Hijab is. Pinless. Painless. The sticker doubled-up as a 25% Discount coupon, to be redeemed upon visiting the store.

Credits – Creative Director: Raman R.S. Minhas. Art Directors: Petrus Dipo, Tegar Delta. Copywriter: Raman R.S. Minhas. Account Team: Ocky Christianto.

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