New McDonald’s film from Leo Burnett Taiwan encourages people to do what you love doing

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Do what you want.jpgA new McDonald’s branding commercial from Leo Burnett Taiwan features the world champion of women’s badminton Miss Tai Tzu Ying, who once nearly gave up playing the sport.

Ying’s image within the badminton community is young and explosive. Her standard is untouchable and over the past two years she has continued to peak.

However, in this McDonald’s 182-second branding spot, she reveals the story that she was about to give up badminton when she was 12 years old. Her father who has accompanied her always, unexpectedly supported her decision to give up. However in time, she figured it out and started again. This is a story of how McDonald’s happened to change her mind.

Do what you want 2.jpgAfer only 1 day this film immediately jumped to over 1 million views on YouTube and on Facebook’s fan pages.

Tai Tzu Ying thought that she had the best taste at that time and sharing a McDonald’s with her father afer training was a great part of her young life. She finally realized what is the best taste of life – emotional appeal and true confession. It continues to move and encourage the Taiwanese people.

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