Capri-Sun and J. Walter Thompson Beijing keep parents and children in touch this Lunar New Year

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Capri.jpgJ. Walter Thompson Beijing’s Lunar New Year campaign for Capri-Sun reminds us how easy it to lose touch with our children, and how important it is to reach out to them as they grow up.


The film tells the story of the complex and tender feelings between parents and a child in today’s busy world. The fingers and hands of the parents, and their daughter, speak volumes, building a visual narrative that needs little dialogue to drive a powerful message home.

“New parents hold their babies and toddlers so close. But we’re often surprised at how quickly our lives, and those of our children, get busy – and at how quickly we start to lose that connection. Time slips through our fingers,” said J. Walter Thompson Beijing Chief Creative Officer Polly Chu. “Capri-Sun reminds us to grab on and stay connected with a touch, and taste, of fun.”