Toast Box introduces the ‘Kopi Run’ to celebrate Singapore’s unique coffee culture

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Kopi Run copy.jpgIt is no secret that Singaporeans are obsessed with their local coffee (or Nanyang Kopi for the local die-hards). To celebrate and pay homage to the local coffee culture, Toast Box has recently launched a new game titled ‘Kopi Run’.


Players assume the role of a Kopi Master and score points by selecting the correct combination of ingredients to serve up each customer’s beverage order. Based out of the extensive Kopi Lingo that Singaporeans are familiar with, such as “Kopi O Kosong” and “Teh C Peng”, the game also aims to educate consumers on local beverages in a fun and interactive way.


When asked about inspiration for the game, Soh Lizhen, Senior Brand Manager of Toast Box said, “Just like how the game’s 8-Bit treatment is a nod to vintage games of the past, Toast Box strives to reintroduce Nanyang culture with a fun and modern twist while staying true to what we’re familiar with.”

“This game is not only highly relatable for locals but also a great way for non-locals to get a taste of our extensive Kopi Lingo borne out of our obsession with Kopi,” Tan Xing Long, Social Media Manager of Society, added.