Creativeland Asia and Benetton start a movement of men acknowledging and celebrating women as equal partners with #UnitedByHalf

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Benetton.jpg#UnitedByHalf is a comprehensive campaign by Creativeland Asia to start a movement of men acknowledging and celebrating women as equal partners. The objective of this campaign is to highlight the need for genuine equality for women with their partners that do not restrict them through taboos defined by society. #UnitedByHalf aims to reach out to women and men from modern families to stand up against stereotypes and take a pledge to claim and give their beloved their deserving share in a relationship.

“No matter how much we deny it, this world won’t be a better place till women and men are treated as equals by one and all. Be it at home, or school, or the workplace. The #UnitedByHalf campaign is an effort towards a better world, and we are proud to be working with Benetton on this journey,” said Sajan RaJ Kurup, Founder and Creative Chairman, Creativeland Asia.