TBWA launches Disruption Consulting in India

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Govind Pandey.jpgTBWA India has introduced its specialist consulting practice to further leverage its proprietary ‘Disruption’ operating system to solve significant business problems and unlock growth strategies for brands in 21st century.


The primary agenda of this unit is to craft the ‘2.0’ for businesses.


It will draw a new OS for the business that unlocks its fundamental story for the times we are living in, where this story will be designed, told and lived. 


As an illustration, Airbnb unlocked its real story as a ‘human hospitality brand’ where travellers share homes and lives. This disrupted the global hotel industry and framed Airbnb as a category of one.


The disruption practice is driven by ‘Backlash’ (@tbwabackslash) – a 365-day editorial practice of tracking emergent culture conversations that gives it an edge in monitoring micro as well as tectonic shifts in culture on a daily basis.

In addition to this, the practice is powered by ‘Bench’ – a proprietary in-source talent model, made up of a wide range of specialists that exist in and outside of the TBWA collective. The pool of talent is an agile and flexible set of experts that can be brought on board in no time if the project requires it.


“Today’s marketing feels like being on a treadmill. One keeps running, but does not go anywhere. That is why Disruption is a powerful tool for today’s times. This unique worldview allows us to unlock the growth narrative for any business agnostic of their life-stage,” said Govind Pandey, CEO of TBWA (pictured above).


The Disruption Consulting practice is working on mandates for VIP Industries, Open Magazine and Fractal Analytics, to name a few. It is confident of more mandates coming its way, with its promise of discontinuous solutions, over endless cups of great tasting masala tea!


“We have put together a diverse bunch of story designers (strategists, visual and verbal designers) who are already dirtying their hands on a wide variety of issues for our client partners. Our solutions aren’t just fresh, they energize clients to imagine new possibilities while our thoroughness in bringing these solutions to life doubles their confidence in them,” said Subu (Krishnan Subramanian, Chief of Strategy at TBWA).