BBH Singapore and Income OrangeAid launch a series of extreme life hack social media videos

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Income Orange Aid.jpgIncome OrangeAid and BBH ​Singapore have launched a series of extreme life hacks based on the lives of past and present OrangeAid recipients.

As Income’s ​community development arm, Income OrangeAid has been helping ​youth from disadvantaged backgrounds succeed at school through financial aid. Working with acclaimed local filmmakers Royston Tan and He Shuming​, this year’s campaign aims to focus on telling the real life stories of these youth, through three life hack videos that are made for social media.

Essentially, BBH Singapore hacked the life hack video to get people to pay attention to this very worthy cause.

Orange Income.jpg“The life hack videos are a perfect storytelling platform – they are short, punchy and get the point across.​ As the content unfolds, we ​reveal that these aren’t just any ordinar​y​ life hacks – there’s a surprising element of survival ​among​ disadvantaged​ youth in Singapore,” said Adeline Siow, Senior Copywriter at ​BBH Singapore.

Other campaigns BBH Singapore have done for Orange Aid were “Last Day of School” (which won a Cannes Lions) and “Back To School” where​ Singapore’s​  Prime ​Minister​ joined in the social media campaign.