Advice on Advice: Take It or Leave It

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LaurenAmiMacDonald.jpgThere’s a tonne of advice out there for juniors wanting to break into the industry — books, blogs, and people wanting to give you their two cents. But advice comes from experience, and experiences are personal. Which means there’s a lot of conflicting advice out there. In a regular column Lauren Ami MacDonald tries to make sense of it all.

Stay in your agency for at least two years VS. Stay in your agency for at least two years

If you struggled to see the difference in that headline, it’s because there was none. I’ve never been given, heard, or read anything conflicting.

Two friends of mine were offered a job at (what they thought was) their dream agency, have since moved, and are now nostril-high in a bog of unhappiness. When I asked them what they were going to do, they answered, “nothing”: they believe in the Two Year Commitment.

On one hand, I can see that it looks good on your resume. But on the other, if it’s not going to give you the kind of book, experience, and learning you need to progress, then why would you stay?

Beats me.

I guess it depends. On. How. Much. Time. You. Have. To. Waste.

Lauren Ami MacDonald is a Copywriter at The Secret Little Agency, Singapore. She’s got a lot to say about the advice she’s collected.